
Kambo has anti-inflammatory power; it can heal infections and regulate blood pressure.

Kambo has anti-inflammatory power; it can heal infections and regulate blood pressure. "What is kambo?" Below is a bit of history and If you would like to see me receiving kambo I will send you a video and I highly suggest reading this story...
Sapo in My Soul: The Matsés Frog Medicine

The legend is that Kambo was discovered by a shaman named Kampu of the Kaxinawa tribe. His village was full of melancholy and sickness, and the people had lost their joie de vivre (zest for life). In his ayahuasca visions he learned about kambo frog venom and how it could heal them. And since then, the medicine has spread to many tribes and many lands, helping everyone it touches.

Applied transdermally through small burns on the skin in a ceremonial context, it is deeply cleansing for your physical, spiritual and emotional bodies -- a major life uplevel!

Physically, kambo supercharges your immune system and detoxifies your organs, leaving you feeling refreshed and energized.

Emotionally, it:
- cleanses layers of stuck dense pain and karma
- clears resistance to making healthy changes
- improves self esteem
- boosts your mood
- catapults you into higher vibrational realms of soul alignment and places you on your highest path

Many people also seek it out for help with digestive issues, Lyme disease, autoimmune, and other physical concerns. And it's an incredible ally for those seeking to overcome depression, anxiety and PTSD.
Spiritually, kambo clears density on the cellular level, the heart level, the energetic level, karmic level, ancestral level, all of it -- raising the vibration of the individual and the collective at the same time. It is an amazing sacred medicine!
"What happens in a kambo treatment?"

The kambo treatment is given in the context of sacred ceremony, so there are icaros (medicine songs), drumming, rattling, hape' medicine (tobacco snuff for grounding and clearing). You will be asked to drink 2 liters of water (within 10 minutes) and receive light, superficial burns on your skin with a special small stick. These may scar, but you can choose where you want them.

The medicine is then applied to the burns and then you will quickly feel heat and swelling throughout your body as well as a rise in blood pressure, racing heart, possible ringing in the ears, and an involuntary need to throw up or poop. After 20 to 45 minutes your treatment will be complete and you will rest. You may have some facial swelling. This is called "frog face" and it goes away within a few hours. I often refer to this as natures botox.

Most times you feel amazing a couple hours after the treatment and ready to continue life as usual, but sometimes you may feel the need to go inward for several hours or the rest of the day to process. In terms of the transformational effects, kambo sometimes brings instant shifts and other times it takes a few days.

Typically people report positive mood, boosted confidence, feeling strong in who you are, heightened intuition and increased vitality as streams of your soul energy infuse your being. In some cases the increased vitality may bring an "amped" emotional state with insomnia. The best way I find to ground  and integrate this energy is to get more exercise.

The initial energy boost typically lasts about 2 weeks, but whatever you purged is permanently cleared, and you may continue to experience life "uplevels" for some time!

In short, the experience itself is a sacred vomit purge (and sometimes involves the toilet as you may also purge via bowel movements) as well as crying, singing, shaking and other forms of purging what no longer serves you. It is not psychedelic and not for the faint of heart! Definitely a warrior medicine!

And a caveat: while it does bring amazing shifts, it is not a substitute for doing the conscious inner work we must voluntarily do, to remember our purpose of being alive or for making dietary or lifestyle changes. It's not a bypass, but a leg up.

"Is it safe? Are there contraindications?"
Kambo is generally very safe and you cannot overdose because your body has an upper limit of what it is willing to absorb and it automatically shuts off its receptors at that point. However there are some contraindications. Kambo is potentially dangerous in some situations.

Contraindications include pregnancy (can cause abortion), heart conditions, high blood pressure, epilepsy, stroke, blood clots, brain aneuryism, recent surgeries, chemotherapy.

“How do I know if kambo is for me, or if I am ready?"
Ask for signs! You will receive confirmation through uncanny frog related synchronicities. 

And in your heart and gut you will feel a knowing that it is meant for you. Some apprehension about the physical process is very normal. Remember that courage is not the absence of fear, it is feeling the fear and doing it anyway!

kambo,sapo,frog medicine,lymes disease,depression,healing,ptsd,

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