
Understanding Maslow to Understand Each Other

Understanding Maslow to Understand Each Other It is important to have a common framework for understanding each other. Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs allows for this to happen, but we must remember that while our needs may be common, how each person meets them is subjective. By starting from the common needs, and working on building individualized understanding of how we meet these needs, we can reduce misunderstandings due to individual differences.

When communicating about our own needs, be specific - don’t just say something like: “you don’t respect me:. Phrase it instead in more concrete terms such as I statements like: “when someone talks over me I feel frustrated, and I need to finish sharing my idea” - or even better a reframe like: “ When someone allows me to finish speaking, I feel respected”.

It is by sharing specific tangible behaviours that people can begin to understand and create changes to better work together.


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