
From Corporate CMO to Startup Founder

From Corporate CMO to Startup Founder I gave my first talk for the Split Tech City community, sharing the learnings of 7 years of the entrepreneurial journey and the reason why did I switch from the corporate day job.

Please, leave a comment if you'd like to get the slides.

Here is a list of my core learnings:

+ In a corporation, you are just a small element of a big mechanism with limited opportunities to grow. You are even more unsecured than being entrepreneur, caus once they kick off you, you may realize that you are not meeting the current market standards, and it would be tough to find a new job.

+ Appreciate the time and avoid useless meetings. In one year, we spent more than 300 hundred hours with 10+ people discussing the things that could be addressed in 5 minutes privately. These pointless meetings cost my last company at least $100 000 per year just for my department.

+ A friendship founded on business is better than a business founded on friendship.

+ When you don't have a mission for your product, and your goal is just to make money, you'll fail.

+ Work on your personal brand instead of a company's brand. It will stay with you if you sell or close your business. But avoid vanity metrics: likes and followers aren't equal the amount of money on your bank account

+ There is only one way to become an expert: spend more than 10.000 hours in mastering your craft.

+ The easiest (but time and energy-consuming) way to quickly ramp up your skills and network - launch a community.

+ Be ok with an ok performance by your team. Kill your inner executor and micromanager. The only way to grow is to start delegating more.

+ Take responsibility. The shared responsibility is a direct way to the business graveyard.

+ When you are hiring an experienced person, you are also «hiring» their experience and stereotypes. Both good and bad.

+ Your environment can either pull you to swamp or help shooting the stars



b2b marketing,Andrei Zinkevich,Getleado,startups,startup founder,startup journey,launching new product,success story,corporate cmo,business lessons,business learnings,launching saas,ROIplan,

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