
Interior Design Style - Delight in Designs - Grand Rapids MI

Interior Design Style - Delight in Designs - Grand Rapids MI Do you have a particular niche, style, or is this a broad range?

In terms of what is our style, we really support a wide array of different styles. It is more about what you than what our style is. We really work hard to know what you are about, where you came from, how did you land in West Michigan and what is that story? We want to pull all of that into your home so if you have traveled and had a favorite trip to let's say Africa, we want to make sure that we pull those pieces in that you got on that trip so that as you live your everyday life you are reminded of that trip in Africa and that brings you joy.

Questions or looking for help on your next project?

CALL (616) 288-9780

Thursday-10am - 6pm
Friday-10am - 6pm
Saturday-10am - 3pm

5426 Northland Dr. NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49525

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