First of all, it’s not just that Angela and I have been friends since early childhood, but our families have actually also been really close. You know, we would celebrate holidays together and barbeque on the weekends, and so on. But a couple of years ago Angela’s parents decided to move to another city in search of new job opportunities and a better life. So, we were forced to part with one another and it was pretty sad. Even though we kept writing to each other and calling and everything, it was not the same as if she were close to me.
But one evening she called me crying and said that they found out that her dad was cheating on her mom and she figured it out and filed for divorce. I could only imagine how hard it was for her to cope with this news. We were on the phone, like, the whole night and I was really trying to be supportive. I tried to imagine my own reaction if one day my parents would decide to divorce and I thought that it would probably be the hardest and most unfair thing in the world.
But you can't have the good without the bad, you know. And soon after that night-long talk, Angela called me to say that she and her mom had decided to come back to our town and to their old life. Oh, this was really exciting. I mean, of course, it was bad that her parents were no longer together, but I was extremely happy that I was going to get my bestie back. More than that, we were finally going to be able to study together, in the same school, and that was really something we’d been dreaming about for a long time. I wish I knew back then that Angela was no longer the Angela that I had been friends with.
It was the first day of high school for us and Angela was dying to make friends with other girls, and badly wanted to know how to become a part of the squad, you know, to become popular and interesting for the boys. I had always felt more comfortable being less popular and having much less attention directed toward me. But I decided to be supportive of Angela and accompany her to every single movie trip with the guys from school, and we went to every single party and so on. And you know what I noticed? She behaved pretty provocatively in public, laughed loudly and a little unnatural, and constantly tried to make everybody around her laugh. And it would be nothing, if she hadn't tried to insult me in order to seem more interesting to others.
I’ll be more specific here. Once, during another party at our classmate’s house, I found Angela surrounded by a group of gossip-girls and they were definitely having fun together. I thought she might be telling a joke or something. But as soon as I approached them I heard her telling an embarrassing story from our past.
You know, once, a few years ago, I first met Angela’s cousin Rod. He was a little bit older than me and was totally into boat racing, so he was tall and really strong, oh, and really handsome. He was just the embodiment of the Prince Charming fantasy for me, so to speak. Of course, I fell in love with him and you can be sure that Angela was aware of it. So once, during another family gathering thing, we set up a plan that I would volunteer to help Angela and her mom in the kitchen and then, while bringing snacks to the guests, I’d stop next to Rod and have a nice talk with him. I was afraid to do it without any other proper reason, I mean, I was too shy to just go up to him and start talking.
And the plan would have worked out if it was not for that clumsy dog who smelled the mini-hotdogs on my tray. So, when I was passing by the pool right on my way to Rod, that stupid dog — a Labrador — stood on his hind legs, knocked me off balance, and pushed me right into the pool. Rod couldn't stop laughing. I'd swear that he even laughed so hard he was crying. And I've never been that embarrassed in my life.
Of course, I made Angela promise that she would never ever tell a soul about that. And now, guess what? She had told every single detail of that day to those girls, so that when I came up they were not only giggling at me, but one of them even made a few comments about it, and even tried to act out the very situation of me falling down into the pool, which she, I guess, thought was even more humiliating than the story itself...
New 2019 animated stories that actually happened!
Music by Epidemic Sound: