Started 13 January, 2020, weighing 250.6lbs.
Down to 223.6 lbs as of 29 February 2020, 93.6 more lbs to go.
**Forgive the video quality, I was messing with the blur function and this was the end result.**
My process:
500 calorie per day diet.
Not cutting out any food groups, eating any and everything I like just making sure my caloric intake stays at 500 or below; doing this as best I can.
10,000 steps every other day or when it is not cold outside.
Thanks for the concern but my doctor says it's okay, but if she didn't, my body says, "hell yeah, you better do it!"
Tracking my weight loss using an excel spreadsheet I created, weighing myself at 6am every morning.
Intermittent fasting to break plateau lock.
#Smoon #Smooner #Weightloss #LivingMyBestLife