
The Pros and Cons of a Carnivore Diet | Should You Try it and Is It Sustainable?

The Pros and Cons of a Carnivore Diet | Should You Try it and Is It Sustainable? Pros of The Carnivore Diet

The number one thing is I’ve killed my sugar cravings. This is something I’ve struggled with for years, sometimes doing better than others.

My tool of choice for this has been raw dairy and the REBEL brand of keto ice cream. That stuff helped for sure and prevented me from grabbing a tub of organic vanilla ice cream, which was usually my cheat of choice.

Number 2 benefit is a reduced appetite in general.

I”be been utilizing intermittent fasting for over 3 years now, so my appetite has already been pretty balanced and solid for awhile now.;

I was genuinely surprised going carnivore how I could reach another level of appetite reduction.

Number 3 pro of a carnivore diet:

I usually break my fast with a grass-fed ribeye or strip steak covered in butter and wild pink salt.

I have dialed in this cooking technique to the point where i cook my steaks perfectly medium rare every time. In fact, I just launched the first carnivore cooking video on how to cook a steak perfectly every time right here.

MY second meal is usually some ground meat, some raw foods like raw egg yolk, maybe some canned or frozen fish, sardines, oysters, clams, and some raw dairy usually.

The simplicity of my meals means much less food waste since most of the foods that would go bad are from the plant kingdom. I don’t spend $ on these foods anymore and almost no food I make goes to waste. (It’s something like 50% of the food in this country is wasted, and nearly all of it is from the plant kingdom.)

Finally, then last benefit is helped by the first three: I’ve reduced my eating out at restaurants to once or twice a week, usually chipotle. And even that doesn’t sound that good to me anymore since I’m so used to breaking my fast with a juicy steak. It just cant compete.

In fact, the only meal at a restaurant that can compare is usually expensive since it’s going to be a steakhouse. Every other restaurant isn’t going to have the same quality of meat available and it doesn’t taste as good as result. So in a way, carnivore hasn't ruined most restaurants for me, but I’m thrilled about that considering i used to waste way too much money and time eating out.

Fat loss: I took a before picture just in case here. And just today decided to do an after. I still have 60 more days until I get as lean as I think I can, but this progress without really trying, is great.

I feel lighter and stronger too; i dropped to floor other day and did 20 strict pushups in one quick set. Now that’s not that impressive as its something I’ve been able to do, but the speed and then ack of fatigue I hit at about rep 15 is what surprised me. Normally I’d slow down a bit at maybe rep 10-12, but that slowing didn’t come until about 15-16 rep and then rep 20 wasn’t nearly as close to failure as it would have been before.


This one is likely connected to a range of issues I’ve faced these past 3 months. One was cedar fevers, which flares up every year in Texas and was particularly bad this year. Had to get some steroids to help within this one this year.

We also moved to 10 acres in the country and we literally have cedar trees on my property. So that wasn’t helping.

Since then, I’ve been more susceptible to feeling weak/tired and getting short bouts of the common cold. I know this is connected to my depleted gut flora from that 2 week period of time recovering from throwing up everything.

So I’m currently working on a gut restore program, and plan to record a video on things I learn and my tools for that. Stay tuned for that.

Some of the benefits could be also be partially on a CON list depending on yourself. Maybe you enjoy eating out with friends a lot, and going carnivore makes things a bit harder eat out. While i think that’s def a pro since you could just fast or just eat a simple meal, like a burger patty, which will save you money and save your health, for you it might be a it more of a con.

Regarding $: if you were eating low quality, cheap foods before, which I wasn’t, then you might need to spend a bit more. This can be accomplished easily at places like costco where you can buy grass-fed ground beef for a reasonable price in bulk as well as seafood and other reasonable quality animal-based foods.

I also think you save a lot by removing the food waste, which is something i see nearly everyone do when they are buying a lot of plant foods.

Founder/CEO, Wild Foods and

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