Below is a recap of my last topics.
What do you guys think about the return of striker. Well if you had doubts they were trying to make the game more like the original this makes it pretty clear. How many more OG gear sets will we see return? I am not sure but I hope we will be getting a few of them. D3, Firecrest, Tactician, Deadeye, Original Reclaimer, and Predator are at the top of my list for the Division 2.
Keep exotics if you have them to get more mats when you need them later, but if you don't have an exotic yet you might want to wait until after 40 so you actually get a level 40 version.
So what should you do to get ready for the TU8 Warlords of New York update? Well 500 gear will not help you recalibrate after 31, because gear will be separated into 1-30 and 31-40 at the recal station. This means farming for more gear (gear sets, brand sets, named items, god rolls, extra exotics) is rather pointless. Now I would still save some gear for projects, materials, adjusting your current gear after the revamp before entering NYC, and maybe if you want to just keep some to compare or burn through WT 1-5 on a new character.
Besides that I would say the best things you can do are keep a handful of mods until you find better ones. Also make sure you unlock all the blueprints and specialization stuff because you won't be able to do that until after the expansion.
If in doubt keep everything until you are there and need more space!