Sunday in MELBOURNE: After 7 Days; The Lebanese Community Rocks! I’m Loving it…
الأحد في ميلبورن: بعد 7 أيام ؛ المجتمع اللبناني الصخور! أنا أحب ذلك ...
Code 21:
300 grams:
A1 Bakery:
(Zaatar Story)
Oasis Fairfield:
St Joseph Church:
Royce Hotel:
Botanical Hotel:
Patony Pizza:
I Have a Great News to Share... I'm Coming Your Way... MELBOURNE Here I Come!
My trip, scheduled between the 23rd of February 2020 and the 4th of March has one and only aim and that is to meet and support the Lebanese community down under. After touring Lebanon for the last five years or so, it’s time to meet the Lebanese community across the globe; Melbourne, Australia here we come!
Planning on filming several "Mechwar" youtube episodes in Melbourne to support the Lebanese restaurant owners and entrepreneurs. Heroes... I'll be traveling to meet them and thank them for their work. My dream is to show the successful Lebanese community around the world and Australia is one of the major countries hosting millions of our compatriots.
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Nogarlicnoonions,culinary,ngno australia,restaurants,food discoveries, food in melbourne,anthony rahayel,vlog,travel blog,food and travel,tasty eats,anthony rahayel,لبنان,ملبورن أستراليا,ملبورن,أستراليا,australia,melbourne,lebanese in melbourne,lebanese in australia,travel blogger,anthony travels,ngno travels to australia,ngno travels,lebanese heroes,lebanese people,lebanese restaurants,claude werden,300grams,royce hotel,mankoushe,isme,a1 bakery,oasis,botanical hotel,pizza,