
Meet the Targeted Individual Community - 'Seriously'

Meet the Targeted Individual Community - 'Seriously' Ahem ..!? As most that follow us will now be aware, numb nuts here accidentally deleted every video on our channel yesterday; so I'm going to be busy for some time restoring things. Unless YouTube come through and are able to work things out their end; though to be frank, reckon I'd have more luck in trying to speak with God than them. As a non-partner that is because we have no standard means of doing so.

Apart from yesterday's upload this was the most recent, therefore we're banging it back up first. It's the third in 'The Meetings Series', yesterday's was the fourth, the first two will be back up shortly as well and available as a playlist once more. Said series is a run of de-programmes in response to the censored VICE documentary on Targeted Individuals released nigh on three years ago now.

Starting out in London we cover Dr. Katherine Horton's attempt at instigating legal proceedings at 'The Royal Courts of Justice' pre-Christmas 2019, then move onto the '5G v's Tree's' issue and some of the effects the Social Engineering projects we cover are having on society overall. Beyond all that there's of course a run of TI's telling it as it is concerning what they're forced to endure via the covert operations foisted upon them. A very eclectic mix of individuals, Targeted Individuals, yes, so please hear them out? They're very brave in speaking out as they do and what they're trying to convey ultimately is that what they're describing/explaining is set to impact on everybody's life before too long when the technologies they speak of go mainstream.

There is a 'Technological Revolution' afoot, there's no getting away from it, so inform yourselves, take this information in and therein prepare for the massive changes to our world we're all facing - whether you're currently aware of things, or not ..!?

Now, finally, we've of course lost tens of thousands of hits on the video's that were deleted, and, thousands of comments people had taken the time to post. Not to mention the positions at the top of search listing some video's were occupying. Very sorry, but it's happened, so we'll just have to do what we can to get the information back out there - it is so very important we do so. Therefore, given our captive audience generally get us to first base prior to YouTube's algorithms picking up on said activity and beginning to suggest the video's to a wider audience; we ask that even if you've watched the video's we're putting back up previously that you open the links again to help get us back up those listings? What's more important still is that you let the programmes run through as watch time is more of a priority than hits. So, even if you don't wish to watch it through a second time, merely open the film in a window, minimise it, turn the volume down and let it run its course. Or on your phone, your television or whatever your preferred choice of viewing device is. If enough of us make a concerted effort to do this it will aid us in restoring some of what we've lost and clearly via our stats page its been apparent that, particularly the most recent releases, have been viewed extensively by a non-TI audience. Which TI's, is who we're all trying to reach and persuade to take an interest - is it not?

These de-programme are historical markers, reference points which people are going to be able to refer back to future wise as they begin to wake up to the reality of what's going down in their world for real, so please too do register your opinions and insights in the comments sections again. It's these the uninitiated generally check first to get a feel for what the content is like. We've considered closing the comments sections on re-releases, and hiding activity levels, but some we know wish to register their feelings too and it does somehow detract from things when there's no interaction from viewers.

And I promise I won't ever make the same simple mistake again!!

There's a list of relevant links to be added to the comments section here, but I'll do this once I've had time to pick through the video to make sure I don't miss any.

Thanks, and my profuse apologies again to all who'd taken the time to comment historically. We do greatly value your input, and yes, we-will-be-back up there quickly it's hoped ..!?

Ciao for the now ..!!?

Dr. Katherine Horton,Stop 007,Cory Resilient,Allison Ireland,Kieron Lee Perrin,TI Television,Targeted Individuals,Mind Control,Mind Control Technology,Remote Neural Monitoring,Andrew D Santana,Pacific Brujo,Edwin Lewis Jones,Liberators International,The Oneders,RNM,Gang Stalking,Organised Stalking,5G,Secret Intelligence Services,Chronicles of a Mind Control Target,Phil Leek,Directed Energy Weapons,Brexit,Coronavirus,VICE TV,Depopulation,

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