+++++If you feel Called to send Energetic support via a Donation+++++
my venmo is:
my PayPal is: PayPal.Me/valsebestyen // valsebestyen@gmail.com
This is a general update reading for Scorpio sun, moon, rising, or Venus. I can't possibly read the entire collective. There are many readers on Youtube, find some you like, and remember energy can be quite fluid. I use the 78 tarot deck, Wooden deck, Celtic Deck, Wisdom of the Oracle deck, Angels and Ancestors deck, Touched by a Horse oracle deck and the Gateway to the Divine Deck.
G r e e t i n g s 🐉🌹
I am Valerie, from Vega.✨
Welcome to my Social Media Bedroom.
If you don’t care for my lifestyle, my content, or my way of Being and sharing vulnerably and authentically- take care of yourself and dismiss yourself from my field.
I do not consent to negative Entities infiltrating my space.
I command any ill thoughts or desires sent my way from others- to R e t u r n to the Sender.
I honor Ancestors and Star family who deliver protection.
My Human form is a 28 year old Yoga instructor, Wedding photographer, intermediate Harpist, Pole fitness enthusiast, Shamanic Practitioner, Speaker on self empowerment thru Spirituality and Ritual, Tarot reader, Writer, Equestrian, Dancer, Expressionist, Artist of life, with my alien goblin Being (my Rhodesian Ridgeback 👾), Kenya.
I opened my channel 15 years ago, and have gone through many phases of deleting and hiding content because of external judgment.
Now I commit to showing up fully from my authentic life experience without the censorship or deletion of videos.
I am a Yes for Sovereignty.
I am a Yes for Community, Ritual, and Honoring our ancestral bloodline which is unique to each of us.
I am a Yes for Human Empowerment.
I live Life knowing that
Although I reside in this human space suit-
I am a Spiritual Being merely in this “Valerie” body, p l a y i n g out my human experience.
For legal purposes, all readings are strictly for entertainment purposes only. Valeriefromvega does not predict the future and clients should not rely on a reading to make any decision that would affect your legal, financial, or medical condition. If your inquiry involves the law, finance, or medicine, then you should seek the advice of a licensed or qualified legal, financial, or medical professional. Readings and energy healings are for expanding your outside perspective with the first and foremost purpose to Do No Harm. Viewers are solely responsible for how they interpret the readings and Valerie takes no liability or responsibility for individual viewer interpretation. Readings should never take the place of psychological, medical, legal, or financial professional services. Readings and energy healings cannot replace qualified mental health care, nor claim to. A energy healing and reading may only facilitate how you cope spiritually with a given situation and provide external support and perspective.