
N. Korea puts 30-day quarantine on incoming travelers to prevent COVID-19 outbreak

N. Korea puts 30-day quarantine on incoming travelers to prevent COVID-19 outbreak 북한 "코로나 격리기간 30일... 바이러스 3주 후 나타날 수 있어"

North Korea is reportedly imposing a 30-day quarantine on people that traveled overseas.
So far, the regime has not reported a single COVID-19 case.
Oh Jung-hee turns the spotlight across the border.
Closing the border, suspending tours... and a strict quarantine of 30 days.
These are the steps North Korea is taking to fight off a coronavirus outbreak.
Speaking to Reuters on Wednesday, North Korea's ambassador to UN organizations in Geneva, Han Tae-song, said the regime is putting its nationals and foreign travelers who've visited other countries into a 30-day quarantine.
That's double the virus' 14-day incubation period.
He explained... that scientific studies show the virus can break out even three weeks after infection... and preventing the virus is much cheaper than trying to cure it.
He added... the North has seen no confirmed cases yet.
According to the World Health Organization, North Korea has reported it checked nearly 7,300 people entering the country for a six-week period through February 9th.
141 travelers with fevers were tested, but all turned out to be negative.
The WHO is offering the North the necessary testing supplies and protective equipment like goggles, gloves, masks and gowns.
The agency says it's not dealing with any coronavirus cases in the regime, but the truth on the ground is hard to assess.
"Preventing the virus is a crucial matter for the North in terms of ruling the country. So, the authorities may lack not only the capability but also the willingness to diagnose the virus. Plus, the North Korean media are not transparent."
North Korean and WHO officials were due to meet in Geneva on Wednesday.
But results of the meeting are not yet known.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.

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