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Are you wondering how to pick a profitable niche for your coaching business?
Deciding on a niche is the #1 thing I see coaches get stuck on.
And sometimes for months or even years…..
Picking a niche (also known as ideal client or target market) is an important first step in marketing your business.
Because it is very challenging to sell your services when you aren’t clear on who you work with and why your ideal client would want to pay you.
And yes, it is possible to pick a niche that will be very challenging to make money in…and we want to avoid this so you don’t spend time spinning your wheels and feeling frustrated that no one is willing to pay you.
That exactly why I made this video. To walk you through the 4 steps to picking a profitable niche.
If you liked this video, please give it a thumbs up, subscribe, share it with your friends.
Additional related videos you may find helpful:
How to choose your ideal client:
How to make your signature health coaching program:
What qualifications you need to be a health coach:
Is health coaching a good career:
How to get visible as a health coach: