
How Long Does it Take to Paint a Warhammer Army?

How Long Does it Take to Paint a Warhammer Army? Painting Marathon!!! I painted minis for 24 hours straight- And then I kept going! In this video, I captured the ENTIRE process for building and painting this Start Collecting box for Warhammer Age of Sigmar Slaves to Darkness. I got complete timelapse shots of the whole project from multiple angles with a timer running in the background the whole time. They look great and I learned how long it really takes for me to paint a force to get them the way I want.

I did this as part of a charity event for Extra Life. I’ll try to keep a stickied comment on this video with some links to interesting gamer-centric charities.

This is the longest video that I’ve made, by far. I certainly could have edited it shorter, but I’m always experimenting with this stuff. I Can’t discover fun new video formats if I don’t ever try new things :-)

Warhammer,warhammer40k,warhammer 40k,40k,4k,warhamer,AOS,Age of Sigmar,Sigmar,Warhammer Fantasy,Slaves to darkness,chaos,warriors of chaos,chaos warriors,chaos knights,karkadrak,chaos lord,fatasy,khorne,slanesh,slaanesh,start collecting,painting marathon,24 hours,24H,24hours,24,painting minis,mini painting,miniature painting,painting DnD,DnD,D&D,DnD minis,D&D minis,painting figurines,warhammer airbrush,airbrush minis,airbrush ink,painting yellow,

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