
Erhard Busek: The necessity of reality check

Erhard Busek: The necessity of reality check One of the major research projects of The Institute of Advanced Study Kőszeg (iASK) focuses on the problems of Central Europe: Central Europe as an analytical concept and as a political reality. The Institute has recently published the Hungarian version of an, after 30 years rewritten version of a book about the region by the distinguished Austrian scholars and politicians, Emil Brix and Erhard Busek. Soon forthcoming is a work by three Hungarian social scientists: Iván Bába, Iván Gyurcsik and Csaba Kiss Gy. entitled: Central Europe with Visegrád eyes. These two publications will be discussed at a round table in the central building of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences at 4 p.m. on February 12, 2020. The event (co-organized by iASK and the Hungarian Council of the European Movement) will be moderated by the director of iASK) Ferenc Miszlivetz. Participants, in addition to the authors, include Catherine Horel (Sorbonne) and Pál Hatos (the National University of Public Service in Budapest).


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