You are Spirit wrapped in flesh having a Human experience. Here at Fifth Element Tarot we work with ALL of the elements in order to co-create with God/Source/The Universe.
Air π¨ Earth π Fire π₯ Water π§ AND HOLY SPIRIT
I’m glad you were led to my channel. My goal is to strengthen the energetic grid, with your help, raising the Collective vibration.
I’m an Intuitive Empath with Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Clairsentient abilities among others. My messages come from The Holy Spirit and are for those who need to hear them most, they are blueprints to the best outcome for ALL involved.
Wishing you Miracles and Blessings
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Song: Lay Up By Ella Mai
Numerology Standout: 95 (Top Row) & 79 (Bottom Row)
ππππSpecial Noteππππ
The way I set intentions with my cards let’s me KNOW there is Interloper activity! If it were not true they would have replaced the Queen of Wands with the Empress card. ANY TIME the Queen of Wands shows up it’s indicative of interloper energy.
REMEMBER, nothing is coincidental
Joanne Sacred Scribes Angel Number Meaning:
Angel Number 95 encourages you to continue listening to your intuition and the guidance from the angels as you are currently being led through important life changes that will perfectly align you with your spiritual, soul mission. Trust the impressions and intuitive messages you receive and take action as guided.
Angel Number 95 is a message from the angels that the efforts you put towards making positive changes in your life will have many long-term benefits. These important changes will bring about auspicious new opportunities for you to take full advantage of, and you will see an influx of abundance and success in your life, encouraging you continue confidently along your Divine life path. Have faith and trust that all is going to Divine plan.
Angel number 95 is a message from your angels that the repetitive thoughts, ideas and promptings you have been experiencing are indicating which path to follow. Listen to your intuition and inner-guidance, and trust that your angels are supporting you as you break free from old, out-dated restraints and follow the promptings of your soul. Your angels want you to know that ‘new’ is entering your life and these changes will be positive and pleasing. Let the ‘old’ out of your life with love and gratitude for the service they provided you.
Number 95 also relates to number 5 (9+5=14, 1+4=5) and Angel Number 5.
Angel Number 79 brings a message from the angels to continue listening to your intuition about your spiritual practice and/or career path and your Divine life purpose. You have been living and leading your spiritual life with optimism and enthusiasm and the angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters wish to commend you on your work and commitment. Trust that you are fully living your soul purpose and mission.
As we create our own realities, Angel Number 79 is a message that your thoughts, visions and intuitive feelings about your life purpose are successfully guiding you in the right direction. You have been following Divine guidance and putting your spiritual knowledge and wisdom into practice and you are asked to continue shining your light for others to follow. Angel Number 79 applauds your choices to live with honesty, truth and integrity.
Angel Number 79 is a message of congratulations and commendation from the angels for the lightwork you are doing. The angels indicate that you are shedding old aspects of your life that no longer suit who you truly are and you are now living a more authentic life and lifestyle. It suggests that some issues or phases are coming to an end or conclusion, making way for fresh new beginnings that will enhance your life and advance you along your spiritual path. Room is to be made to allow the ‘new’ into your life.
Number 79 also relates to number 7 (7+9=16, 1+6=7) and Angel Number 7.
πππHOW I READπππ
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