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Who would think it possible that a simple breathing practice could induce your body to produce regenerative stem cells, nitric oxide (the Nobel Prize-winning “panacea molecule”), and EPO (the performance-enhancing molecule that carried Lance Armstrong to seven Tour de France victories)?! Modern science backing these ancient breathing techniques is in.
Breathing techniques employed in Ayurveda are called pranayama. Prana means life force and ayama means to extend, control or to expand, suggesting pranayama techniques are designed to expand life force.
Considered the key component of pranayama by many experts, (getting much attention lately in the scientific community) is breath control in the form of breath retention or kumbhaka.
Learn the pranayama technique referenced in this video - Bhastrika Pranayama:
Brahmari Pranayama: Enjoy 15x More Nitric Oxide Benefits with Humming --
10 Breathing Exercises (Pranayama) to Restore Mind-Body Balance --
Pranayama: Simple Instructions for Traditional Breathing Techniques --