
😱Any marketing efforts will fail if... you don't first have these 4 things figured out.

😱Any marketing efforts will fail if... you don't first have these 4 things figured out. ever wonder why your ads aren't working?
why your landing page isn't converting?
why your script isn't selling?
why email isnt working?

Well, it might be because you didn't take care of the 4 fundamentals you need to have set up before you ever put out any marketing message.

it's not super complicated, but it is necessary and 100% guaranteed to make your marketing efforts more successful.

So make sure to have these 4 in place before you decide what to do.

1) Who

Who are you selling to?

This is the most basic question you need to ask yourself, but it’s also the one that will be at the core of everything you do. If your audience is too broad, you’ll waste time and money trying to sell to people who have zero interest in buying your product. If, on the other hand, you go too narrow, you’ll lose out on potential customers.

2) Where

Here are some examples of channels to use, and where to reach your customers.

Affiliate marketing.
Amazon storefront.
Social media networks.
TV Commercials.
Online video.
Mobile ads.
Social media ads.
Press releases.
QR codes.
Print ads.
In-store signage.
Direct sales.
Radio ads.
Point of sale displays.
Print catalogs.
SMS marketing.
Near-Field Communications (NFC).
PR events.
Conference booths.
Mobile advertising.
RFID tags.

Thats a super long list and there are a lot more, thats why you need to know the best one for your business and the one that will help the most for that "who"

3) What

Pretty simple in theory, but this is the one that honestly is the hardest to use a formula for. The message takes a bit of creativity and work to find.

4) Frequency

Last but not least it is crucial to know the buyer's sales cycle for your business. Just takes a little research and you will be able to identify the right sales cycle, and then marketing frequency for your business.

If you lay those out as I did in the video your marketing will have a much better chance of working :)

I hope this helps guys!

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