No hateful or abusive language! Profanity is not permitted in the chat; should you be so inclined to use colorful language, please use discretion and omit the vowels from the word or use an acronym etc. Should a disagreement or a rebuking of anyone come about, NEVER encourage or solicit anyone to go to that persons channel or contact them in any way. NEVER target or alienate person or any group pf people. Hate the sin, not the person!
...also claiming to be the victim of bullying when you are clearly will not gain you sympathy here. Bullying is (1) abuse and mistreatment of someone vulnerable by someone (or a group of people) stronger or more powerful, (2) overbearing mistreatment and domination of others. **I support empowering people who are victimized however I do not support enabling skewed narratives or signs of cognitive dissonance.
2. Save the Drama for Your Mama!?
While "drama" or controversial moments do arise in life and are occasionally discussed on this channel, they have limits. The world is not a perfect place and it is unrealistic to assume that disagreements will never occur. However, If it isn't helpful or productive then please take it from this channel. Feel free to contact me on Twitter, IG, Discord etc if needed. NEVER announce that another channel is gossiping or discussing anyone else. WE DON'T CARE but we do thank those channels for the free promotion.
3. Spam, scams, and deceptive policies!!
Do not post any links or promote anything without the permission of the channel host. No promoting the sales of anything without the permission of the channel host. AND DO NOT ANNOUNCE THAT ANYONE ELSE IS LIVE. Read additional youtube policies
You can network with other content creators but there is No "Sub for Sub". Do not ask anyone to return to your channel or beg for subscribers. You can let them know that you like their channel, but PLEASE NO BEGGING! There are comments and discussions that lead to the demonetization of videos; should those topics arise in the chat, select comments may be removed or automatically deleted upon posting.
Chat Etiquette
5. Be Polite & Respectful! Remember that there is a person behind every channel name.
6. Be mindful of topics that alienate others; thought and opinions are welcome but remember that they are YOUR thoughts and opinions and others have thoughts and opinions of their own.
7. There are times when some forms of crude humor is acceptable, however there are other times when the dynamic of the chat leans towards all inclusive humor/discussions.
8. Do not ask to become a moderator. A moderator wrench is earned and if the channel is interested in your assistance, you will be contacted regarding this responsibility.
9. Don't be intentionally disruptive; creating arguments with others.
10. Sock accounts are not automatically blocked from the channel, however you will be hidden if you do not follow the rules of the chat. Channels impersonating or targeting other people will be hidden immediately.
Thank you for helping to keep GOD LOVES ME YT a successfully growing channel. Be advised that this channel has a set number of people who are moderators at any given time; I go through my moderator list regularly and remove people who no longer frequent this channel. I do not allow stagnant channels to occupy a place as moderator. Channels that were once moderators can become moderator again by supporting & frequenting the channel. While it may be common practice; I do not give wrenches to people because they are my friends or as a badge of honor. I have love and respect for all of you, and moderators serve only as a means to shield and maintain the channel. I ask that you, as a moderator, follow these channel rules for moderators. If you are unable to adhere to these rules please let me know and I will alleviate you of the responsibility.
IT WOULD GREATLY HELP THE CHANNEL IF YOU COULD PLEASE post the links of EVERYONE who has donated to the channel during the Stream throughout the course of the live-stream.
ALSO... if you think something is considered a violation of YouTube policy and you see it in the chat, but I have not listed it here, please send me the link to the policy. There are many rumors that people consider to be "rules" and this channel does not cater to anything other than YouTubes guidelines.
DO NOT HIDE ANYONE FROM THIS CHANNEL unless on the rare occasion that I have given the okay to do so. There are a few moderators who can hide people from the channel because they understand the channels position on trolling & know that many supporters come to this channel who are NOT content creators. Those moderators are AUSSIE OUTLAW, DEAD POOL, DAVID MELBOURNE, AND MARCOS EATS.