EXTENDED AND ROMANCE READING - (also time stamped)
Scorpio: 1:26
Sagittarius: 6:16
Capricorn: 10:30
Aquarius: 14:48
Pisces: 20:02
Aries: 23:57
Taurus: 29:04
Gemini: 33:23
Cancer: 38:30
Leo: 45:55
Virgo: 50:10
Libra: 55:45
Specify in the subject line of the email:
Recorded $100
In the body of the email specify:
Specific questions you have, subjects you'd like me to focus on and any information you want to share (including your birth date).
Talisman and Cauldron:
Shiny A.E. Waite Tarot:
The Spirit Animals Oracle:
Whispers of Love Oracle cards:
Angel Wishes:
Healing Angel Cards:
Work Your Light Oracle:
The Secret Language of Light Oracle:
Moonology Oracle Cards:
Born Without Boundaries Tarot is the sole author and, at all stages of completion, the sole and exclusive owner of this video, including, without limitation, all ideas, suggestions, themes, plots, stories, characterizations, dialogue, titles and other material, whether fixed in a tangible medium of expression or otherwise, at any time heretofore or hereafter created or contributed by Born Without Boundaries which in any way relate to the video or to the material on which the video is based, and all right, title and interest therein.
Further, all content is for entertainment purposes and Born Without Boundaries bares no responsibility for actions or decisions made by view