So, who am I?
I am an Empath
An Intuitive
A 2nd Degree Reiki Practitioner
A Tarot Reader
A Lover of Essential Oils.
However, beyond that I am a daughter, a sister, a friend, a confidant and a light worker. I a child of the Divine and a creator by design.
For more information about me and my practice, Aurora Healing Creative, please visit:
Personal Readings & Distant Reiki Sessions are OPEN. For more information please go visit:
Want to make essential oils a part of your practice, but want to also ensure you are getting the highest grade? Visit here to learn more:
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NOTE: This is a general reading and may not resonate with everyone. Take what helps and leave the rest. I am simply here to offer encouragement, love, and light! Aurora Creative Healing is not responsible for any actions that you choose to take in regards to these readings. We are beings of free will. ;)