
Dark Souls 2 Scholar Of The First Sin Dual Wielding Showcase{Loner Nation}

Dark Souls 2 Scholar Of The First Sin Dual Wielding Showcase{Loner Nation} Welcome to the LONER NATION. Where everyone regardless of sex, race, age or belief is welcome. I invite you to stop by and maybe find a gaming buddy in the chat or someone to subscribe to and feel and relate to. And please keep in mind my chat has children in it, so I need to keep it G rated for gangsta. I have some great R.P.G.s with original gameplay and characters. And I also have poems that I turn into music on my channel. Im always willing to listen to suggestions or help on decision making in the chat during gameplay so feel free to comment. I am passionate about my opinions and idealogy, and I hope someone out there can relate. If you can agree then please follow my social media.
@sethmichael93 (PlayStation Network)
@LONER Nation (YouTube)

#PS4Live,PlayStation 4,Sony Interactive Entertainment,DARK SOULSâ„¢ II: Scholar of the First Sin,sethmichael93,

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