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I took the Sony a9 ii out with the Sony 200-600mm lens to try and photograph Bald Eagles at Conowingo Dam. I have to say the weather was terrible. It was 34 degrees, 15-20 mile per hour wind gusts with rain and snow at times. Not the most ideal weather for going out to shoot, but I still went out there.
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Order the Sony 200-600mm Allen's
***NOTE*** At 04:47 I discuss What a DSLR Can’t DO but the Sony a9 II Can. At this point you will see the bird almost completely out of the bottom portion of the frame yet it’s still in focus. NO that’s not a usable image but the fact that you can still have tracking with the bird outside of the actual frame means as you quickly recompose the autofocus will continue to track the subject. Whereas with a DSLR, if you lose the bird outside of the focus points, you will have a tougher time getting the autofocus to reacquire and track your subject. In no way am I saying you can’t photograph birds with a DSLR! Most nature photographers are using and have been using DSLR’s to capture birds for years. Again, I am pointing out the tracking capability edge to edge and the ability to stay on the subject even when the subject is barely in the frame.
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Landscape Photography, Sony a7R IV, Sony a9, Bird Photography, Bald Eagle Photography, How to take pictures
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My Go To Mirrorless Camera as of now
Sony a7R IV
Sony a9 II
SIGMA 35mm f1.2 (FAVE LENS)
Nikon Z6
The Microphone I use for Vlogging
Nikon 70-200 2.8
Nikon 24-70 2.8 VR
Nikon 14-24 2.8
Nikon 105 F1.4
Sony a7 III
My Rolling Bag Of Choice For Flying
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