
Trump Town Discovers Practicality Of Socialism

Trump Town Discovers Practicality Of Socialism We need your help to keep providing free videos! Support the Majority Report's video content by going to

In this Majority Report clip, Baldwin, Florida owns a grocery store.

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"68% of the 1600 residents of of Baldwin, Florida -- where the median income is $44k/year -- voted for Trump in 2016, and in the years since, they've lost their only grocery store, which has been a particular hardship for the large number of seniors who live there, many of whom are no longer able to drive.

So the town did the logical thing: it opened a city-run grocery store that operates on a break-even basis, with the clerks, stockers, butcher and other staff all drawing a paycheck from city hall. This is unquestionably a socialist enterprise, but the town's residents don't see it that way. As Mayor Sean Lynch, a retired Navy vet, told The Washington Post: "We take the water out of the ground, and we pump it to your house and charge you. So what’s the difference with a grocery store?""*

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sam seder,majority report,politics today,progressive news,political podcast,majority fm,seder today,sam seder podcast,liberal news,democrats,us news,breaking news,world news,baldwin,florida,grocery store,city-owned store,Sean Lynch,public grocery store,socialism,socialist,tyt,the young turks,young turks,tyt network,

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