
The great deception. They say 'When you're taking flak you must be over the target!'

The great deception. They say 'When you're taking flak you must be over the target!' It seems my subscribers are being deliberately unsubcribed, my comments being deleted and some can't even share my videos.
I believe this New Zealand govt are deliberately shutting down opposing opinions to theirs and their globalists masters.
My subscriptions are growing and they don't like it. The answer is to slow me down, shut me down or intimidate me. This is fascism and tyranny of govt. They are pressuring YouTube to pressure right of centre youtubers.
They don't like the world taking a swing to the right and need to shut down all dissent.
This is disgusting behaviour by our so called elected leaders who can't handle criticism of their pandering and capitulation to super oppressed minority groups while ignoring the vast majority of tax payers who have to pay for their mistakes.
We are being gagged with most not even noticing.
This labour govt wants us to shut our mouths and pay our taxes. If you don't then we'll get the fully paid up media (via us the taxpayers) to hunt you down, slander, come to your workplace and ruin you.
Is this a freedom loving democracy or dictatorship we're moving into?
I know it goes against the grain for conservative/right thinkers to protest or rally as we're all free thinking individuals not buying in to the group think mentality of the left wing cultural Marxists. But we have to start getting out there and being heard.
It's our right to protest something we see as wrong and unjust. This govt is taking away our means to communicate.
We weren't consulted about the UN global compact on safe and orderly migration. In fact this govt and media hardly give it a mention on purpose. 90% plus New Zealanders have no idea what it even is!
Our media, politicians and academics have become political weapons against them who want to stop New Zealand going down the same path as western Europe.
Diversity is not a strength and multiculturalism is only really desired by elites who don't have to live with the consequences, and because we, the plebs, being indoctrinated to think multiculturalism and diversity is positive and right think.
The cries of racist, xenophobe, far right extremists, neo nazis are the label's they are slandering law abiding concerned NZ citizens.
This is being orchestrated by the govt (near all western govts) via the UN to cause the chilling effect making people live in fear of expressing their true opinions for fear of retributions.
This is not freedom but Marxism only steps away from communism.
Freedom has to be fought for and we need to get out there and tell them loud and clear that this country is still a western democracy and unfettered freedom of speech is part of that freedom that many died for in past wars.

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Trump,far left govt of New Zealand,Marxism,socialism,communism,eroding free speech,govt tyranny,Trump derangement,UN global compact,EU tyranny,Brexit,Boris,mass migration from 3rd world.,

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