My name is Corinne and I'm 20 years old. I make gameplay videos about Star Stable Online which is a Swedish MMORPG.
For further information, please read the FAQ below!
Have a nice day!
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🐼 FAQ 🐼
✨ What do you film and edit with?
⭐️ I record my videos with Shadowplay and edit them with Vegas Pro 15!
✨ What server(s) are you on?
⭐️ My main account, Corinne Misthill is on Coconut Mountain (HU-01).
I also have several alternate accounts on different servers, such as Night Star, Fire Star, Spring Star, Grape Mountain and Cupcake Valley.
✨ Can you tell me what song you used in this video?
⭐️ No, unfortunately. I have a folder on my computer which contains almost 1000 copyright free songs and when I edit my videos I just randomly pick a song.
✨ Where are you from?
⭐️ I'm from Hungary.
⭐️ Instagram:
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✨ For business inquiries & fan mail feel free to message me at