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Your sexual energy is very much like a currency, and what I mean by that it's energy. When you are going around wasting your sexual energy, it's like you're throwing away the creative energy within you. You're throwing away your potential and you're not as powerful.
Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now on this video, I'm going to be sharing with you why sexual energy should not be wasted. There should be more intention in this process and why sexual energy may be the missing key in your life towards you really creating what you want.
Now, think of it like that sexual energy, creating literally the sexual energy within us can create a human being, a baby, and when we, and that, knowing that, first off, knowing that that's how powerful that energy is. It's not much of a jump to know that that also goes into creativity in your own life.
Now, first off, let me back up a little bit. I would say that one of the reasons I have an insane amount of energy is because I don't waste my sexual energy. Now, let me first off define as well. When we're talking about sexual energy, it doesn't mean that you can't enjoy connecting to other people, to someone else.
I'm not saying like, like never do anything. I'm not talking about celibacy. But in general, there's an epidemic in the world where people waste their sexual energy, whether that be porn, whether that be, um, kind of also just having mindless or intention lists, uh, connections. Uh, maybe out of compulsion.
Sometimes people go out and they have sex with other people. Now, the part that's important to understand about this is that your sexual energy has a direct correlation with the amount of energy you have in life.
There was a book that I read called think and grow rich. Maybe you've heard of it. It's one of the books that many millionaires say. It's the one book that changed everything for them. Bob Proctor talks a lot about it and there's a lot of other motivational speakers that talk about it. It's an old school book.
In that book there's one chapter on something called sexual transmutation. Sexual transmutation sounds like a very esoteric type thing, but basically what it means is converting sexual energy into a power that we can then use to create what we want in our life. And when I first read it, I was like, Oh, this is a pretty esoteric concept.
Never really heard of this before. But then I realized something about myself. I'm going to open up and just kind of share this. I may have shared it somewhere else before. I'd done like 1100 videos on YouTube, which by the way, if you haven't subscribed to the YouTube channel yet, click below. I share content on law of attraction, understanding how we, uh, the dynamics of creating our own reality and other cool stuff like that, including videos like this.
When we, and I look at my own life, I've always had a lot of energy and I believe it's because I, until I was about until I was exactly actually 18 years old, I had never actually masturbated before. Now, I know that's kind of weird to say. It's probably very different cause I think most people probably start out when they're, I don't know, like 13, 14 years old.
However, I don't know why. I just didn't know how to do it. I think I'd tried earlier in my, uh, when I was like 13 or 14, but I just couldn't quite figure it out. I remember I, um, also if you know a little bit about my past, I was in complete control. There was over my life until from, um, seven to 15 years old. But even after 15 years old, I just didn't know.
I didn't know. I didn't exactly get it. And um, as kind of embarrassing as that sounds, it wasn't until I was 18 years old that I actually kind of figured it out and I'm sure you can figure out what that means. And I was like, Oh, a whole new world. But also I realized that I've always had, and when people ask me a lot like, Aaron, why do you have so much energy?
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