Sonic 1: Contemporary is a rom hack of Sonic 1 created by Roxurface, featured as an entry from the 2018 Sonic Hacking Contest. In an attempt to breath new life into the art, music, layouts, and abilities available in the original Sonic 1.
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#SonicHacks #Sonic1Hacks Link is here! By Roxurface:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #Jaypin88 #SapphireSquad #RoadTo100k💎 Thanks for watching! Be sure to hit the like button, share amongst others, most certainly subscribe, and hit the bell to be notified when new video's come out!
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Sonic Hacks,Sonic Rom Hacks,Sonic 1 Hacks,Sonic 1 Rom Hacks,Sonic Hacks 2016,Sonic Hacks 2020,Jaypin88,Sapphire Squad,Jaypin Sonic,Sonic Jaypin,Sonic 1 Contemporary,Motidzuki,Sizzstar,Razor and Zenon,Amy Rose Longplays,Redhotsonic,Megagwolf,Sonic Central,Sonic Destiny,Blue Vivacity,TWIP,Radicalsoda,Garrulous64,Knuckles Channel 3 & Knuckles,DaveAce,Cobanermani456,Sonic,Sega,Sonic The Hedgehog Movie,Sonic Hacks Download,Sonic Hacks Genesis,