
SCOAN 01|03|20: CAMEROONIAN Couple FREED From Shackles Of Osteoarthritis & Lumbar Spondylosis Pain

SCOAN 01|03|20: CAMEROONIAN Couple FREED From Shackles Of Osteoarthritis & Lumbar Spondylosis Pain Chief Samuel Forbi’s body used to be burdened by severe pain that made his every movement difficult. Doctors had given the Cameroonian a lumbar corset to help relieve the pain. However, the problem of degenerative disc disease and lumbar spondylosis had persisted. Doctors then advised that he go for surgery, alerting him that the problem might worsen and he would no longer be able to control his bowel movements. Last Sunday, he visited The SCOAN and received prayers in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. After Prophet Racine prayed for him, “I became as if I had never been ill,” recalled Samuel. He advised people to go to Jesus Christ when in crisis rather than to other gods. Samuel’s wife, Mrs Esther Forbi, had also been down with the problem of osteoarthritis and lumbar spondylosis, for which she had also been using a lumbar corset. On her part, she received God’s touch on Monday, during the Living Water Service as she prayed on the altar and ministered the Living Water on herself. Testifying today, Esther recalled that her problem had begun one morning while she was exercising. Upon medical diagnosis, it was found that her condition was severe. Doctors then gave her drugs to relieve her pain but to no avail. She said she had been unable to do her household chores, including caring for her grandchildren. Regarding her experience on the altar during the Living Water Service, she said she had felt a sensation in her body as she rolled on the floor in heart communion with God. She also advised people to put their faith in Jesus Christ.


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