
Four Facts About Marijuana: Connected to Mental Health Problems

Four Facts About Marijuana: Connected to Mental Health Problems Learn what the Marijuana Execs don't want you to know with this book: "Marijuana: What They Aren't Telling You" No shipping and handling, no credit card info!

Everyone it seems is jumping on the Marijuana bandwagon. Not since the last wild west snake oil salesman passed through town, have we seen a greater miracle product that will heal whatever ails you. On top of that, it’s natural, unlike that which big-pharma produces. And because it’s now legal in places such as Canada, California, and Colorado, Marijuana must be safe and harmless. Or is it? Shouldn’t we ask who’s driving this bandwagon?

Are you hearing the whole story? Or are there facts about marijuana (also better known as cannabis in some countries) that you’re not being told? And if you think, “I don’t do marijuana,” so it doesn’t affect me, think again—it does! I’ll be back in a moment with four things you need to know, about the hallucinogenic cannabis plant, known as marijuana, so stay tuned.

Welcome to Tomorrow’s World where I’m covering one of the most controversial topics I’ve ever given, and I can see the hate mail already. You may wonder why I’m covering this topic here on Tomorrow’s World. The answer is simple—in the end, we’re dealing with an issue with moral implications and much of what you are hearing about marijuana and cannabis is nothing more than lies. Sadly, many sincere people are buying the activist’s propaganda. Here at Tomorrow’s World we choose truth over mindless Political Correctness and group think. On today’s program I’ll give you four facts you probably aren’t hearing anywhere else about marijuana. I’ll also be offering a back-up resource titled: Marijuana—What They Aren’t Telling You.

Canada, the United States, Australia and New Zealand are plunging headlong into a marijuana Mecca. Yet, there are a growing number of studies that show a link between cannabis and mental health problems. And this leads me to:

Fact #1: There is an agenda behind medical marijuana

There has been a concerted effort on the part of activists to sell marijuana to an unsuspecting citizenry, and they’ve been very successful. So how did they do it?

These activists learned from past mistakes that they could never get cannabis, or marijuana, legalized by promoting the idea that it’s good to “get high.” They’ve used different tactics at different times, such as “The war against marijuana is racially biased.” But their most recent and most successful campaign is to convince ordinary people, such as you and me, people who have no interest in “toking up,” that cannabis is medicine. After all, who wants to be against medicine, especially when it is marketed as natural and safe, unlike chemical pharmaceuticals.

But this message has always been a ruse for legalizing recreational use. Former New York Times writer and author, Alex Berenson explains in Tell Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Health, and Violence” that:

“Linking legalization to medical use has proven the crucial step. It encourages voters to think of marijuana as something other than an intoxicant. In reality, except for a few narrow conditions such as cancer-related wasting, neither cannabis nor THC [the intoxicating ingredient] has ever been shown to work in randomized clinical trials.”
Berenson explains a little later:

“The difference between cannabis and every other drug is that an entire industry now trumpets marijuana’s benefits, promising a high with no low, a reward without risks.”

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