In a shocking incident in Telangana, a few days after an inspector was attached to the Cyberabad commissionerate after he was caught on camera performing snake dance, another video surfaced on Saturday of six policemen of Kothur police station, doing a similar act and some consuming beer at an open area. The policemen in the video were not on duty and had gone to attend the wedding of a constable. Later in the day, Cyberabad police commissioner VC Sajjanar attached the six officers, assistant sub-inspector Balaswamy, constables Ashok Reddy, Amarnath, Chandra Mohan, Venkatesh Goud, Rama Krishna Reddy — to the commissionerate. As per the video, the cops were partying near the constable’s marriage hall, by playing songs from their personal cars. Two of them were seen consuming liquor and dancing. Soon, the others joined them in the dance steps. Though the incident reportedly took place over 10 days ago, the video went viral on Saturday. A few days ago, Shadnagar inspector Sreedhar Kumar was also attached to the commissionerate after his video of dancing at an event, went viral.