
Art Galleries: you don't need them - ever!

Art Galleries: you don't need them - ever! #artgallery #selfhelp #artbusiness
Art galleries that represent you as an artist can take a lot of your money and leave you without control over your own creativity and freedom.

They have an outdated business model and can be slow to change with the shifting habits of art buyers. So traditional bricks and mortar galleries are failing because artists and creatives can market themselves with great success by taking ownership of their creativity and direction.

Once you realize that you are the one who has your best interests at heart, not a third party or gallery outlet, then you can begin to take ownership of your own art career and have the choice in which direction to take it.

Sure, there is work to do when you ditch a gallery or agent and you should understand that you will then be doing the work that they were doing but for that you retain your income from every sale and not line the pockets of other people.

I am very successful and I sell art. I don't have to rely on anyone nor do i need a resume a mile long of achievements and provenance. I have some very well educated art buyers as clients and those who really know they're stuff and they don't give a crap about anything except the artist and the art. They are as fed up with the establishment as I am.

Galleries ignore this and think they are untouchable. They are not and things are changing very quickly. Own your destiny.

You have so got this!

Don't believe it can be done?

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