
Young Wuhan doctor dies of COVID-19; China confirms hundreds of prison infections

Young Wuhan doctor dies of COVID-19; China confirms hundreds of prison infections 中 의료진 잇단 죽음…교도소까지 대규모 확진 쏟아져

Over in Wuhan, another doctor died while fighting the virus on the frontlines.
It's also emerged that more than 500 cases across China are in prisons.
Here's Eum Ji-young with the updates.
A 29 year-old respiratory doctor has fallen victim to COVID-19.
The health authorities in Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the outbreak, say Dr. Peng Yinhua died on Thursday, having contracted the virus while treating patients.
In fact, to help those people, he had reportedly delayed his wedding.
But doctors in China, speaking to the media at least, are trying to stay strong.
"The epidemic is awful, but for us medics, the risk of infection can be reduced if we protect ourselves in scientific ways."
According to China's National Health Commission, as of Thursday the country had reported 889 new cases,... 631 of which were in Hubei Province.
It says there were also 118 more deaths, 115 of which were in Hubei.
More than 2-thousand patients in Hubei are reportedly in critical condition.
This brings the total number of confirmed infections in China to more than 75-thousand-4-hundred and the death toll to more than 2-thousand-2-hundred.
Another revelation... is that among China's cases, more than 500 are in prisons across the country.
Hubei Province said Friday that the announcement of the prison cases was delayed because prisons had not been included in the reporting system.
Officials said prisons in Hubei Province had at least 271 cases, most of which are in Wuhan's women's prison.
And outside of Hubei, prison infections accounted for most of Thursday's 258 new cases.
At least 200 prisoners and 7 guards have tested positive in a prison in the eastern province of Shandong.
And at least 34 prisoners were confirmed infected in the southern province of Zhejiang .
Eum Ji-young Arirang News.

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