
Tuberculinum ||টিউবারকুলিনাম|| (Dr.Saad)

Tuberculinum ||টিউবারকুলিনাম|| (Dr.Saad) 1.Mind; anger: TUB(4)
2.Mind; anxiety: TUB(4)
3.Mind; anxiety; children, in: TUB(4)
4.Mind; anxiety; night; agg.: TUB(4)
5.Mind; anxiety; night; agg.; children, in: TUB(4)
6.Mind; censorious, critical: TUB(4)
7.Mind; children; complaints in: TUB(4)
8.Mind; complaining: TUB(4)
9.Mind; complaining; hydrocephalus, in: TUB(4)
10.Mind; delusions, imaginations: TUB(4)
11.Mind; delusions, imaginations; life; short, too: TUB(4)
12.Mind; delusions, imaginations; senses, of: TUB(4)
13.Mind; discontented: TUB(4)
14.Mind; discontented; everything, with: TUB(4)
15.Mind; dreams; many: TUB(4)
16.Mind; dreams; prude, being: TUB(4)
17.Mind; dullness: TUB(4)
18.Mind; embarrassment; agg., ailments from: TUB(4)
19.Mind; excitement, excitable; ailments from, agg.: TUB(4)
20.Mind; excitement, excitable; ailments from, agg.; mental and emotional consequences of: TUB(4)
21.Mind; fear; animals, of: TUB(4)
22.Mind; fear; cats, of: TUB(4)
23.Mind; fear; children, in: TUB(4)
24.Mind; #fear_dogs_of: TUB(4)
25.Mind; fear; happen; something will: TUB(4)
26.Mind; fear; night; agg.; children, in, pavor nocturnus: TUB(4)
27.Mind; fright, fear agg., ailments from: TUB(4)
28.Mind; frightened easily: TUB(4)
29.Mind; general: TUB(4)
30.Mind; grief; ailments from, agg.: TUB(4)
31.Mind; grief; ailments from, agg.; undermining constitution: TUB(4)
32.Mind; impressionable, susceptible: TUB(4)
33.Mind; impulses, morbid: TUB(4)
34.Mind; indolence, aversion to work: TUB(4)
35.Mind; industrious, mania for work: TUB(4)
36.Mind; insanity, madness; mental exertion agg.: TUB(4)
37.Mind; insanity, madness; tuberculosis, in; hereditary: TUB(4)
38.Mind; irritability: TUB(4)
39.Mind; irritability; morning: TUB(4)
40.Mind; irritability; morning; waking, on: TUB(4)
41.Mind; irritability; restless: TUB(4)
42.Mind; irritability; waking; agg.: TUB(4)
43.Mind; irritability; weakness; with: TUB(4)
44.Mind; malicious, vindictive: TUB(4)
45.Mind; menses; suppressed, from: TUB(4)
46.Mind; mental exertion; agg.: TUB(4)
47.Mind; moaning, groaning: TUB(4)
48.Mind; night; agg.: TUB(4)
49.Mind; obstinate, headstrong: TUB(4)
50.Mind; obstinate, headstrong; children, in: TUB(4)
51.Mind; offended easily: TUB(4)
52.Mind; travel, desire to: TUB(4)
53.Mind; travel, desire to; one place to another, from: TUB(4)


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