Arvind Kejriwal and his six ministers took oath today at a mega ceremony in Delhi, attended by more than one lakh people. Mr Kejriwal's key ministers - Manish Sisodia, Satyendar Jain, Gopal Rai, Kailash Gehlot, Imran Hussain and Rajendra Gautam - will be part of his new cabinet. Delhi has re-elected the Aam Aadmi Party chief with a near repeat of his 2015 tally. Among those attending the ceremony is "Baby Mufflerman", who is a special guest. The photo of the one-year-old in spectacles and Mr Kejriwal's signature muffler, went viral on social media as the votes were counted on Tuesday. AAP also invited 50 school teachers, doctors, exam toppers, auto drivers, caretakers and sanitation workers, who have been dubbed "Dilli Ke Nirmata (Makers of Delhi)", to share stage with the Chief Minister.
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