
冰涼消暑首選「水果冰沙」The best choice to cool off is “Fruit smoothie” ┃洺笙企業Mi Sheng

冰涼消暑首選「水果冰沙」The best choice to cool off is “Fruit smoothie” ┃洺笙企業Mi Sheng 冰涼消暑首選「水果冰沙」
The best choice to cool off is “Fruit smoothie”

西柚冰沙 Grapefruit Smoothie
As the main element-grapefruit, its pulp is mellow and smooth, with a good aroma. It’s suitable for a scorching summer.

芒果冰沙Mango Smoothie
The aroma of mango pulp, the texture of mango smoothie is tasty and sugary, it’s the popular drink.

草莓檸檬冰沙 Strawberry Lemon Smoothie
The beautiful layering of strawberry and lemon, people will have a good mood before they drink.

葡萄冰沙 Grape Smoothie¬
A base of chewy coconut jelly, and with a strict process, the sweet and smooth
taste of grape smoothie is receiving critical acclaim in the market.

優格冰沙 Yogurt Smoothie
Pour yogurt syrup into blender and stir well, the texture of yogurt smoothie is rich and mellow, makes people want to a drink it again.
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