
Schennach on parliamentary elections in AZE: 'We can ask why. In fact, they are not necessary.'

Schennach on parliamentary elections in AZE: 'We can ask why. In fact, they are not necessary.' The interview with Stefan Schennach, PACE Co-Rapporteur on Azerbaijan, was taped several hours after the vote at PACE adopting the report on political prisoners in Azerbaijan. For the first time in the history of Azerbaijan's 20-year membership in the body, the adoption of the report affirmed that there are, indeed, political prisoners in Azerbaijan.

Mr. Schennach talks about the about the PACE observation mission to the country and what he expects from the upcoming elections. Commenting on the upcoming snap parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan, and wonders why they were necessary. (19:30)

Speaking about the accusations against citizens in participating in religion-based terrorism, Mr. Schennach says, "The intelligence of prosecutors is very limited." (17:28) In general, Mr. Schennach says that the fate of the political prisoners concerns him, and he raises the issue during his meetings with the Azerbaijani government officials.

azerbaijan,azerbaycan,baku,ismail cəlilov,ismayıl cəlilov,düzdanişaq,duzdanisaq,siyaset,ismail celilov,Stefan Schennach,PACE,political prisoners,PACE observation mission,Co-Rapporteur on Azerbaijan,parliamentary elections,Azerbaijani government officials,Schennach,Ilham aliyev,Azerbaijan,snap parliamentary elections,

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