If you want to ask a question for a future episode, come join The Life Stylist Podcast Facebook Group. You can watch the next episode live, ask questions to both me and the group, and build a community of like-minded biohackers.
Plus, if I don’t get to your question on a future episode, one of our brilliant members will almost certainly help you out (and probably with an even better answer). The amount of knowledge and the enthusiasm of members is astonishing, and as you’ll learn in this episode, I have some big plans for the community in 2020.
00:12:00 — Michael asks: Any updates on the aftermath of your Rhythmia experience?
Since this question was posted, I went back to Costa Rica for four more ayahuasca ceremonies, this time at Soltara. On February 18th, I’m dropping a two-part episode documenting the entire experience in a play-by-play gonzo reporting podcast series, just like the Rythmia episodes. Then on February 21st, I’m posting a special bonus show where I do a deep dive comparison between the two Costa Rican ayahuasca centers. I also recently participated in 3 different peyote ceremonies and recorded a podcast about that whole experience, which will be released this spring.
00:16:40 — That said, after Rhythmia, I would say the changes I feel are:
I feel much less triggered emotionally Psychic wounds are healed; old memories have lost their ‘charge' Much less dependent on my spiritual practices to stay connected to god I’ve been microdosing ayahuasca before bed, which has helped me stay connected Looking forward to experimenting with some other plant medicines when it feels right Ayahuasca is not for everyone. It's a serious commitment and not something I would promote. It has to be something you are personally drawn to partake in. But for me, it was incredibly expanding, and something I foresee becoming a semi-regular part of my healing journey.
00:36:00 — Evan wants to know what you can do to improve air quality in your home due to living in LA.
#1 Plants Here are some of the best for cleaning indoor air: Bamboo Palm Chinese Evergreen Gerbera Daisy Dragon Tree Pot Mum Peace Lily Spider Plant Mass Cane/Corn Plant #2 air filters Run a Living Air ozone generator in your home when you ARE NOT THERE, then open windows and air the house out when you return to give your house a deep clean, air-wise. Be careful — do not breathe ozone! I have two Austin Air Healthmate HEPA filters and a Dyson fan heater, which has a filter element. The Dyson sucks due to it having WiFi, but for right now I’m taking one for the team in order to be warm and filter the air in the living room, at least a little. Keep in mind that the air filter business is super shady and competitive, just like the mattress and sauna industries. There’s so much in-fighting and misinformation that it’s hard to know who to trust. Based on my research, here are some of the most effective filters on the market: Molekule AirOasis IQAir Dyson Pure Hot + Cool Pure Air Doctor (Dr. Roy)
00:57:45 — Karen comes to us with an important question: “When (not if) Facebook joins in on the great health purge and shuts this page down, what is an alternate place we can 'gather' for our discussions?”
I am currently equally terrified and disgusted by the censorship of big tech giants like FB, Twitter, Apple, YouTube, Google, and even Instagram. They are shutting down free speech, especially from out-of-the-box thinkers and natural healing advocates like Kelly Brogan and anyone who dares question the safety of vaccines, etc. They picked Alex Jones as their first test case, and since nobody in alternative media stuck up for him, they are now going after anyone who opposes the mainstream narrative. They are completely totalitarian, fascistic, and absolutely engaged in illegal antitrust violations. We can’t wait around for government intervention, so to answer your question, I am currently working behind the scenes to create my own platform, free of the Nazi-like censors on Facebook where we can all interact in an open dialog that is supportive of all people, regardless of beliefs. Who knows how long podcasts like mine will even be allowed on Apple Podcasts since Apple is one of the worst censorship offenders. I am not afraid, for every human has the god-given right to free speech and those of us who have the courage to challenge societal norms and risk being silenced will not only survive the storm but prosper in the end. Truth and love always prevail over deception and evil.
01:17:20 —...