Instructions start at 11:50
Learn how I make my Twin Flame and abundance candles!
♡this is for those who prefer to buy!
🙏Here are all the products I use and some I recommend to make this easier for you ♡
💙Palo Santo to cleanse and clear
💚Culinary Torch
🙏Wick Scissors
💚Soy Wax I've used both kinds and they pour well. Purchase based on the quantity you plan to make!
🙏Soy wax 464 10#
🙏Soy wax 444 5#
💙Wax Dye Flakes (there are many options)
💚Candy Thermometer $4.33
💚Metal Pourer 4 pound with plastic handle $9.99
Jars & Glass Containers
💙6 piece metal tins multi color $9.99
💙40 4oz Glass jars $28.99 these also come in larger sizes in this style
💙 24 8oz glass jars $26.99
Wick Holder/Center
💚Wooden candle wick holders 100pieces $13.95
💚Metal Wick Holders.
🔥Many Wicks will come with a couple of these! 20 pieces $8.99
💙I used wooden skewers for my stirring & to wrap the wicks $6.95
💙11 inch metal stir spoons $5.95
(be sure to get long enough to fit your jar)
thicker tends to be better ♡
100 pc 6inch wicks $9.99
💙Hot glue gun & sticks $11.98
💚Rose buds 1 pound $18.99
(this is the type I use)
Essential Oils
💙Rose Essential oil $13.99 for Artizen 1oz
💚Lavender Essential Oil
Artizen 1oz $8.99
💙Frankincense Essential Oil
1oz Artizen $9.99
1oz Artizen $19.99
Artizen 1oz $8.99
Artizen 1oz $9.99
Sun 4oz $8.99
Find a crystal or pendulum that feels right for you!
💙Rose Quartz Pendulums $6.99
💚🌟💚Positive energy donations are appreciated and assist in my being able to create more videos and channeling what is needed for the collective!!!
🔮 Starseed Oracle 🔮
👽🛸👽 On Sale 1/4/2020
orig $41 Now $30.33
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⭐guidance, readings, channeling, manifesting, advice for twin flames, soul mates, karmic relationships, and love situations.
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🌟Divine Essentials
⭐Pleiadian Essentials
⭐Bridget Rau
💋🌟 Private Divine Essentials Twin Flame & Soul Mate Support Group 🌟💋
🔮🌟How to protect yourself video🌟🔮
(open the vortex and heal)
✔Positive energy donations are appreciated
✔Please like, dislike, comment, & share!
🙏I Offer many options for readings and long distance Shamanic Hypnotic Healing Sessions!
🔥🌟🔥Coupon Code Valentine🔥🌟🔥
$11 Off a 5 question 20 min reading
♡♡reg $44 now $33♡♡
(valid from 1/10/20 - 2/14/20)
🌟🌟I AM ON A 6 to 8 WEEK WAIT🌟🌟
want to ask me my next open date?
email divinessential@gmail.com
✔🌟Positive energy donations are appreciated!!! assist in my being able to create more videos & channeling for the collective!🙏
✔🌟 I've added my Amazon wishlist.
If you would like to donate a deck of cards that would be so amazing & helps me keep my readings new & fresh!
🔮🌟🔮Readings are for entertainment, please do not replace a doctor or counselor's advice with the guidance offered in a collective reading!
🌟Links to Amazon are affiliate links.
I receive a small commission at no cost to you!