My journey started at the age of 5 when I was abused by a parent.
At the age of 21, I went through a near-death experience due to a horrific accident, which crushed the right side of my face. As a result, I had to go through over 12 1/2 hours of surgery.
This is where I found a new place of being.
Then at age 33 drowning in a river took me to the other side in which my spiritual rescue was from Yeshua Ben Yoseph, I spent a long period of time with him on the other side.
This led me to a full kundalini awakening even before I knew what it was or why. It took many years of study and exploration to move through all the information brought from both sessions on the other side.
I continue as all of you to unfold and heal past traumas and lives even in a non-linear dimension every day. I go as deep as possible so that I can also be there for you all on your journey.
This struggle would be the very moment that showed me the other side and erased all doubt I had about the afterlife.
Are you ready for an intuitive session on a video link provided through youtube as a private session only viewed by you?
This is a 30 min reading with full intuitive guidance prerecorded with a maximum 5 day turn around time from the booking.
A few statements to meditate on before you bring me on board your healing and guidance team.
1. You are able to recognize within you a direct connection to bettering yourself and your situation.
2. Your mental and emotional state is not under urgent threat that requires direct professional in-person intervention.
3. You will keep an open mind when receiving information and even if it does not resonate you will review it as unbiased as possible.
4. You are open to deeper truths.
I promise to give you my best.
With love,