
Woodland hike to Operate the Q-Mac HF-90 military grade radio

Woodland hike to Operate the Q-Mac HF-90 military grade radio Myself and G8SAR take a hike through some local woodlands to find a spot to operate the q-Mac radio.

Known the world over, the HF-90 is a compact 255 Channel programmable HF SSB transceiver, intended for the military market, though works quite happily on the HF ham bands.

Max 50-Watts PEP out (low power setting available), upper or lower sideband, 2MHz to 30MHz.

This is the "E" model which is "field programmable enabled" (you can enter frequencies etc. via keypad without having to use a PC).

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I'm a licensed amateur radio operator from the United Kingdom. My YouTube channel features videos focusing on operating portable radio from various locations plus how to videos, tutorials, insights and conversations in the hobby.

amateur radio,ham radio,ham radio basics,how to,radio gear,electronics,hf antenna,portable antenna,qrp radio,woodland hike,hike,outdoors,hf radio,q mac radio,q-mac,qmac hf-90f,

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