
What It Really Means To Dwell In Possibility

What It Really Means To Dwell In Possibility Emily Dickenson’s quote: “Dwell in possibility.” I posted about this and was inspired to bring it to the forefront. What it really means is to live from a place of love and hope. To not put too much focus on the past or the here and now. It sounds almost counterintuitive with all the emphasis on being in the present moment. The present moment is where your power is.

I would like to talk about the importance of focus. What you choose to focus on, and how you choose to see it, will play a huge role in the experience you have. We know it’s not beneficial to dwell in the past. Many think we can learn from the past. No better, do better. That is completely true. It is okay to look back and learn from the past, but we don’t want to dwell there. The last thing you want to do is miss out on your life because you are focused on what once was. We don’t want to dwell on the past.

This moment is a product of all of the thoughts you’ve had, the things you’ve chosen to focus on, and the actions you’ve taken up until this moment. The thoughts, beliefs and actions you take now will create your future. This current moment, (as much as we want to be in the moment), has already been created. The present is actually the past. What’s happening now is the creation of the future.

Dwelling on what is can actually not benefit you. There’s a possibility it won’t serve you.
Here’s a phrase to carry in your back pocket…

“I am present, and I am grateful for all that is, but I am eager for what is next.”

You tell yourself I am here, I am thankful, but I’m looking forward to what’s next. That is dwelling in possibility! Allow yourself to live life in the fullness it has to offer. We can’t enjoy that gift if we live in the past or future. But, focusing on the now and allowing your faith to be bigger than your fear allows you to dwell in possibilities! You are thrilled for what’s to come! Be open to possibilities!


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