
Trump STILL has no plan Obamacare replacement plan three years on

Trump STILL has no plan Obamacare replacement plan three years on As a candidate for the White House, Donald Trump repeatedly promised that he would 'immediately' replace President Barack Obama's health care law with a plan of his own that would provide 'insurance for everybody.'Back then, Trump made it sound that his plan - 'much less expensive and much better' than the Affordable Care Act - was imminent. And he put drug companies on notice that their pricing power no longer would be 'politically protected.'Nearly three years after taking office, Americans still are waiting for Trump's big health insurance reveal. Prescription drug prices have edged lower but with major legislation stuck in Congress it's unclear if that relief is the start of a trend or merely a blip.Meantime the uninsured rate has gone up on Trump's watch, rising in 2018 for the first time in nearly a decade to 8.5% of the population, or 27.5 million people, according to the Census Bureau.'Every time Trump utters the words ACA or Obamacare, he ends up frightening more people,' said Andy Slavitt, who served as acting administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services during the Obama administration. He's 'deepening their fear of what they have to lose.'While Trump has yet to deliver on his campaign pledge to replace Obamacare, White House officials argue that the president is improving the health care system in other ways, without dismantling private health care. White House spokesman Judd Deere noted Trump's signing of the 'Right-to-Try' act that allows some patients facing life-threatening diseases to access unapproved treatment, revamping the U.S. kidney donation system and the FDA approving more generic drugs as key improvements. Trump has also launched a drive to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic.'The president's policies are improving the American health care system for everyone, not just those in the individual market,' Deere said.But as the president gears up for his reelection campaign, the lack of a Trump health care plan is an issue that Democratic presidential contenders and their allies believe they can use against him.This month, a federal appeals court struck down 'Obamacare's' individual mandate, the requirement that Americans carry health insurance, but sidestepped a ruling on the law's overall constitutionality. The attorneys general of Texas and 18 other Republican-led states filed the underlying lawsuit, which was defended by Democrats and the U.S. House. Texas argued that due to the unlawfulness of the individual mandate, Obamacare must be entirely scrapped.Texas v. United States appears destined to be taken up by the Supreme Court, potentially teeing up a constitutional showdown before the 2020 presidential election.Trump welcomed the court ruling as a major victory while Democrats accused him of trying to dismantle his predecessor's health care law without offering a replacement. Share this article Share Over the last three years, Trump and senior administration officials have periodically teased that a Trum


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