
Rambling: What if each person you meet was an angel? (4K)

Rambling:  What if each person you meet was an angel?  (4K) The thoughts of Microdac:
Welcome to my ramblings.
Did you know that all you need to do, to listen to my ramblings, is to ask Google.
“Microdac video Rambling”
That’s it.
What do I share?
Well, here’s a sample… play along with me.

What if everyone we meet is an angel?
Would you then show respect for that person’s divinity?
Would you treat that person differently?
How would know if that person is an angel or not?
So, why not treat everyone you meet with respect and love as if you were talking to an angel?

What if very movie or TV show you saw was a sermon?
After all, you are spending your precious time to watch, to be entertained and to be educated.
Aren’t you?
And, what is a sermon?
Would you then glean from the experience the wisdom and knowledge that the movie and/or TV show was conveying?

What if you saw today, yes, Today – right here and right now – as a gift. A very precious gift?
A new day and a new life to do and make changes for the better.
Would you then take advantage of this new day, this new time and space and be that better human being that you can be?

What if every tree you saw…
Every bird you heard…
every breathe of fresh air you felt…
Every experience you had of nature were reminders that this is sacred ground: This is Eden?
How would you feel about being in heaven?

And, what if all your friends were also your soulmates.
Gods in everyday clothing.
Who are here to help you towards your quest for perfection…
What if?

Of course. These are my beliefs and you must think for yourself.

God,religion,new age,new thought,modern,divine,divinity,microdac,microdacism,Chrfistianity,Christianity,life,living,love,kindness,harmon,sharing,tolerance,church,nature,

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