
Manishnee: Chief American Horse 'The Younger' - Oglala Lakota Sioux Leader

Manishnee: Chief American Horse 'The Younger' - Oglala Lakota Sioux Leader This is a video for: Chief American Horse "The Younger"., an Oglala-Lakota Sioux Chief & Leader.., not to be confused with Chief American Horse "The Elder".., with the same name,, same tribe and same position.

There are also more videos in this channel for: "The Sand Creek Massacre", "The Wounded Knee Massacre", "Grandfather Chief Frank Fools Crow", "Chief Sitting Bull", many other Lakota-Sioux Leaders, Elders, Medicine & Holy People, "Chief Arvol Looking Horse".. and for over 100 more Indigenous Tribes & First Nations.


There are two Oglala Lakota Chiefs named American Horse notable, in American history. Historian George E. Hyde distinguished them by referring to "Chief American Horse the Elder" as the son of Old Chief Smoke and the cousin of Chief Red Cloud, and "Chief American Horse the Younger" as the son of Chief Sitting Bear and son-in-law to Chief Red Cloud.

Chief American Horse "The Younger" (Manishnee) was born in 1840 and crossed-over to the Spirit World December 16th 1908.

Chief American Horse "The Elder" (Wašíčuŋ Tȟašúŋke) was born: 1830 and crossed-over: September 9th 1876.

They are both renowned as great warriors for their leadership, courage and honour.. and there is also video in this channel for
Chief American Horse "The Elder", loaded alongside this one.

Chief American Horse the Younger is notable in American history as a U.S. Army Indigenous Scout and a progressive Oglala Lakota Leader who promoted friendly associations with whites and education for his People. He "opposed" Crazy Horse during the "Great Sioux War" of 1876–1877 and the "Ghost Dance Movement" of 1890 and was a Lakota delegate to Washington.

He was also one of the first Wild Westers with Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show and a supporter of the Carlisle Indian Industrial School.


I claim no ownership of any of the clips, video, music and words expressed in this video...and employ my borrowing of them with much respect and thanks. Credits are also given at the end of the videos..., as well as below.

**** No personal monetization is being done with this video, by me..., nor am I receiving any other benefits from any of these videos.. They are meant for all.., to heal, teach, discuss, inspire and inform...and share. No theft and/or disrespect is intended. I make these with love and respect.
I thank, with respect: The Oglala-Lakota Sioux Peoples..; Grandfather/Chief American Horse "The Younger" ( Spirit and to all of his relations)..;;; Merlin PIAS..; Le Chant du Monde..; Azzurra Music..; CD Baby..; The Orchard Music..; Makoché Music..; WHITE FEATHER..; INIPI OLOWAN..; LAKOTA-DAKOTA SINGERS..; OSICECA NAGI..; TAKINI SINGERS..; EAGLE MOUNTAIN..; DAKOTA-LAKOTA SINGERS..; CALVIN STANDING BEAR..; BRYAN AKIPA..; ARCHIE LAME DEER..; SHUNKA OLOWAN..; ARCHE LITTLE.. and to all the other brothers and sisters who have contributed to this video.., in any way., with any photos.

Chi Miigwetch!.. Many Blessings & Thanks..!

*Set video to 960 X 540p HD, for best viewing.
(480P - You-Tube)

educational videos,indigenous,history,elders,chiefs,tribes,first,nations,medicine,people,events,yt:quality=high,960 X 540p,large,movie,.mov,chief,american,horse,the,younger,oglala,lakota,sioux,of,seventh,fire,next,seven,generations,reconciliation,healing,true,leader,

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