.vit D.. deficiency Categories 🤗 vulnerable to vdeficiency. ☝️1~ Those Who are not exposed to the sun.2~ those who Do not take advantage of the sun : Because of the clouds, or pollution. 3~Those who do not get vitamin from food because the food organization is poor vitamin D. 4~ Older categories : Because of sluggish absorption from the intestine , and laziness of the kidneys in the activation of the vitamin . 5~ Those who take vitamin D without taking fats with it 6~Those who had malabsorption. 7~People with dark skin. 8~people who are overweight . R🤔 Recommendations : 🤗It is advised for those who have sun in their country to be exposed morning and evening to sunrise and sunset for a period of a quarter or half an hour to get vt D 👍Notes Vitamin D is given to children with milk. 👍 It is recommended for adults to take with vitamin D butter, olive oil olives or yogurt.