i command you now to go and investigate the autos being shipped to this territory as you know several people have ded due to faulty autos and motorcycles as such speak with Canadian heads to investigate what is being shipped here and charge all heads involved in said genocide and treason and aparthied in this holocaust and have said auto companies globally now ship proper decent autos for the people around the entire planet and have auto companies compensate all tribes and families subject to faulty bikes and autos which caused the injury and or death of thier loved ones thank you by: Reubenite Tribe Chief Nobel Honorabel Ang El Inah D Al Phette El American Indian Allodial title Moorish American National all rights reserved sui juris sui heiress heir to the worlds largest estate ucc 1 308 without recourse thank you
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all things work together for the good of those who love and serve god Romans 8:28
Matthew 7:12 do unto others as you would have others do unto you it is the law
wanti wanti cannot get it and get it get it does not want it
i self law am master islam
time is the master time is the key
here is the video featured in this video beautiful autos
here is Jay Lenos Baker Electric Car 1909
here is the article we were here from the very beginning and all deception proves this fact
are we to send all international bills of exchange and estate money orders to Megan Brennan dba Post master general
the real Israel is America and there are thousand of tribes undocumented or not recognized by the Federal agents dba defacto agents wow all so called blacks are in fact from the original tribes recognized by the creator
Iran when did it start
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indigenous day
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