From the Album "Growing Down" out on January 24th 2020
Its not a place, Its a feeling
I burned your hairs over the kitchen stove. (It billows)
The only remnants of you went up in smoke. (It billows)
Where did our love go? Where did our love go?
The only reminders of you are in my memories. (Just can’t take it back)
Still haven’t found a way to release them from me. (Back to the beginning, back before hurt feelings) They’re still clouded around, clouded around clouded around. They’re still clouded around me.
Where did our love go? Where did our love go? Where did our love go?
I think I’m getting crazier every single day. (Was I crazy all along)
Is this just seasonal depression, you should have mentioned you would shy away from good intentions. (Back when I heard your siren song)
You should have mentioned… No I should have known.
Where did our love go? Where did our love go? Where did our love go?
Our love go?