I just took it out of curiosity and started reading it. And I was amazed. Every page had the same name, a man's name. I quickly ran my eyes through a few pages that made it clear that my boyfriend was gay. Yeah, I was dating a gay guy for months. I was so distracted my reading it that I couldn't hear the door open and Chester walked into the room, watching me read his personal journal.
I remember feeling terribly ashamed, but only for a second. But then I got terribly angry, because if everything he had written was true, why would he date me? No, I didn't ask for an explanation. Chester himself began to justify himself. He said he wanted to tell me a long time ago, but he couldn't find the right time. I'm totally tolerant of gay people, because everyone has a choice and no one can judge them.
It turned out that when Chester, as a 15-year-old teenager, told his parents about his sexual orientation, they, being very conservative people, didn’t accept it. Their family had a terrible scandal, and the mother and father refused to accept their son as he was. And Chester didn't come up with anything better than lying to his parents about how he had changed. Of course, they didn't believe it. Months and years went by and Chester was just hiding everything from his family.
Three years had passed since then, now Chester was 18, and his parents were still against his son's choice. They still had scandals at home. That's why he didn't come up with anything better than living two lives: for parents to be a guy who dates a girl, and for himself to be who he really is. It was in order to establish a relationship with his parents that Chester decided to get a girlfriend. Unfortunately, this girl was me.
Having heard all this tragic story about family scandals and parents' misunderstanding of his choice, I just couldn't take offense at Chester for a long time. Yeah, and I didn't really like him for real, to be honest, but I was just dating to distract myself from past relationships that weren't very successful. I couldn't stand it, so I called and offered to meet him. Surprisingly, Chester immediately agreed. We went to our favorite fast food, where they made delicious hamburgers. We sat there for a few hours. That evening, I realized that I had made a real friend. Even though he was using me to some extent. I wasn't dating him for the same reason.
Chester and I are now best friends. We spend a lot of time together. Recently he even introduced me to his boyfriend, who turned out to be a very nice young man. Chester's parents still think I'm his girlfriend. But soon Chester will tell them the whole truth, because he is 18 and he can make his own decisions and live his life.