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If I had to rank the average power level of the decks on this show on a scale from 1 to 10, I'd put our decks at around a 5, with our jankier episodes being around 3 and our more "normal" episodes being around 7. But for this episode, we're dialing it up to 8 and 9 with Competitive Commander, aka CEDH! There is only one goal in mind today: to win! We are building the most competitive versions of our favorite decks and ignoring our usual house bans like Mana Crypt -- in fact, you'll probably see a Crypt in each of our lists! Here's what we've got:
Andrew sticks to his brand, looking to Jund 'Em Out with a fast-paced Food Chain deck led by Prossh, Skyraider of Kher
Crim decided to bring the most fair deck to this broken week, running a Superfriends deck led by Atraxa, Praetors' Voice
Seth can't get enough of Kenrith -- maybe it's an affinity to that sick beard -- playing a Demonic Consultation list led by Kenrith, the Returned King
Tomer finally gets to unleash his all-time favorite commander at full power! Behold, Edric, Spymaster of Trest
We rarely do a CEDH week, so to make it up to you all this video is extra long! Enjoy!
Deck lists: